I've decided that this blog post will be in english since it looks better than writing in swedish, missing the last three letters of the alphabeth. Another day at the hostel...I am using their computer beacause they have free wifi and if I wanted to use my own computer I'd have to pay. Rachel left today, sad. Please come back! Last night was fun tho, started off at Rebel bar (were we met some new cool people) continued to the princess and after that we went highlandering. Nuff said! Oh yes we even made it to Le Depart Saint Michel. Guess what? Last night we ran into Nico, the Pub Manager at the Princess and he asked us if we wanted to hold The Sunday Frog Quiz. Hell yeah!!! So in two weeks, we're doing the quiz together. Oh quiz time how I love you! We just have to think of a good theme and translate every single question into french. No biggie.
Now I am just waiting for Elin to get off work, Im bored and kicked out of my room. I got nothing to do and it's raining. I was suppose to work today but that changed and I'm now working on Sunday instead or Saturday? Alvaro please send me my rota. You know what I did? Peep this; I bought a book! Me, a book. Cross in the celling (speaking of swenglish expressions. None other than the lastets Twilight book. Hey what can I say? I like vampires.
I'll be getting back to my book now. I'll keep you posted!
11 år sedan
Good idea buying a book even if its not Satre or Proust : ) . Hope its not too uncomfortable in your new " mansion" . Suppose your counting down the days ( svenglish ) till you can move back. Now I am going to watch farmer seeks wife , not Satre or Proust either I afraid . Many hugs from mummy
SvaraRaderaVa kul att ni får leda ett quez : )
SvaraRaderaSom vanligt för snabb ska var quiz inte ques förståss ......
SvaraRaderaHaHa ! Ska jag göra ett tredje försök att få det rätt eller ...liknar finn fem fel det här : )